Source code for kwarray.distributions

Defines data structures for efficient repeated sampling of specific
distributions (e.g. Normal, Uniform, Binomial) with specific parameters.

Inspired by ~/code/imgaug/imgaug/

Similar Libraries:

    - [ ] change sample shape to just a single num.
    - [ ] Some Distributions will output vectors. Maybe we could just postpend the dimensions?
    - [ ] Expose as kwstats?
    - [ ] Improve coerce syntax for concise distribution specification

import numpy as np
import ubelt as ub
import functools
import builtins
import numbers
import fractions  # NOQA
from kwarray.util_random import ensure_rng

inf = float('inf')
# __all__ =  [

[docs] class Value(ub.NiceRepr): """ Container for class `__params__` values. Used to store metadata about distribution arguments, including default values, numeric constraints, typing, and help text. Example: >>> from kwarray.distributions import * # NOQA >>> self = Value(43.5) >>> print(Value(name='lucy')) >>> print(Value(name='jeff', default=1)) >>> self = Value(name='fred', default=1.0) >>> print('self = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self, nl=1))) >>> print(Value(name='bob', default=1.0, min=-5, max=5)) >>> print(Value(name='alice', default=1.0, min=-5)) """ def __init__(self, default=None, min=None, max=None, help=None, constraints=None, type=None, name=None): if type is None and default is not None: type = builtins.type(default) if help is None: help = 'no help given' self.default = default = name self.min = min self.max = max = help self.type = type self.constraints = None # if self.min is None: # self.min = -1024 # if self.max is None: # self.max = 1024 if self.type is None: self.category = None self.numeric = None else: self.numeric = issubclass(self.type, numbers.Number) if self.numeric: self.category = ( (issubclass(self.type, numbers.Integral) and 'integral') or (issubclass(self.type, numbers.Rational) and 'rational') or (issubclass(self.type, float) and 'floating') or (issubclass(self.type, numbers.Rational) and 'rational') or # (issubclass(self.type, numbers.Real) and 'real') or # is it though? ('numeric') ) # TODO: add sequence, etc. # (issubclass(self.type, numbers.Complex) and 'complex') # maybe someday else: self.category = 'unknown' def __nice__(self): parts = [] parts.append('{name}={default}') # if self.numeric: # parts.append('{sym_elementof}') # # symbol = MathSymbols.__dict__.get('sym_' + self.category, '?') # symbol_parts = [] # symbol_parts.append(symbol) # if self.min == 0 or self.max == 0: # symbol_parts.append('0') # minmax_constraint_parts = [] # if self.min is not None: # if self.min > 0: # symbol_parts.append('+') # if self.min != 0: # minmax_constraint_parts.append('{min}<=') # if self.max is not None: # if self.max < 0: # symbol_parts.append('-') # if self.max != 0: # minmax_constraint_parts.append('<={max}') # parts.append(''.join(symbol_parts)) # parts.append(''.join(minmax_constraint_parts)) kw = {} # kw.update(MathSymbols.__dict__) kw.update(self.__dict__) template = ' '.join(parts) text = template.format(**kw) return text
[docs] def sample(self, rng): """ Get a random value for this parameter. """ # TODO: special min and max values for classmethod random values _min = -1024 if self.min is None else self.min _max = 1024 if self.max is None else self.max if self.category == 'integral': assert _min <= _max sample = rng.randint(_min, _max) elif self.category == 'floating': assert _min <= _max sample = rng.rand() * (_max - _min) + _min else: raise NotImplementedError return sample
[docs] def _issubclass2(child, parent): """ Uses string comparisons to avoid ipython reload errors. Much less robust though. """ # String comparison if child.__name__ == parent.__name__: if child.__module__ == parent.__module__: return True # Recurse through classes of obj return any(_issubclass2(base, parent) for base in child.__bases__)
[docs] def _isinstance2(obj, cls): """ Internal hacked version is isinstance for debugging obj = self cls = distributions.Distribution child = obj.__class__ parent = cls """ return isinstance(obj, cls)
# try: # return _issubclass2(obj.__class__, cls) # except Exception: # return False
[docs] class Parameterized(ub.NiceRepr): """ Keeps track of all registered params and classes with registered params """ def __init__(self): self._called_init = True self._params = ub.odict() self._children = ub.odict() def __setattr__(self, key, value): if not getattr(self, '_called_init', key == '_called_init'): raise Exception( 'Need to call super().__init__() before setting ' 'attribute "{}" of Parameterized classes'.format(key)) if not key.startswith('_'): if key in self._children or _isinstance2(value, Parameterized): self._children[key] = value super(Parameterized, self).__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] def _setparam(self, key, value): setattr(self, key, value) self._params[key] = value
[docs] def _setchild(self, key, value): assert isinstance(key, str) self._children[key] = value
[docs] def children(self): for key, value in self._children.items(): yield key, value
[docs] def seed(self, rng=None): rng = ensure_rng(rng) for key, child in self.children(): if _isinstance2(child, Parameterized): child.seed(rng)
[docs] def parameters(self): """ Returns parameters in this object and its children """ for key, value in self._params.items(): yield key, value for prefix, child in self.children(): for subkey, value in child.parameters(): key = prefix + '.' + subkey yield key, value
[docs] def _body_str(): pass
[docs] def idstr(self, nl=None, thresh=80): """ Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:scipy) >>> self = TruncNormal() >>> self.idstr() >>> # >>> # >>> class Dummy(Distribution): >>> def __init__(self): >>> super(Dummy, self).__init__() >>> self._setparam('a', 3) >>> self.b = Normal() >>> self.c = Uniform() >>> self = Dummy() >>> print(self.idstr()) >>> # >>> class Tail5(Distribution): >>> def __init__(self): >>> super(Tail5, self).__init__() >>> self._setparam('a_parameter', 3) >>> for i in range(5): >>> self._setparam(chr(i + 97), i) >>> # >>> class Tail6(Distribution): >>> def __init__(self): >>> super(Tail6, self).__init__() >>> for i in range(9): >>> self._setparam(chr(i + 97) + '_parameter', i) >>> # >>> class Dummy2(Distribution): >>> def __init__(self): >>> super(Dummy2, self).__init__() >>> self._setparam('x', 3) >>> self._setparam('y', 3) >>> self.d = Dummy() >>> self.f = Tail6() >>> self.y = Tail5() >>> self = Dummy2() >>> print(self.idstr()) >>> print(ub.urepr(self.json_id())) """ classname = self.__class__.__name__ self_part = ['{}={}'.format(key, ub.urepr(value, precision=2, si=True, nl=0)) for key, value in self._params.items()] child_part = ['{}={}'.format(key, child.idstr(nl, thresh=thresh - 2)) for key, child in self.children()] body, nl = self._make_body(self_part, child_part, nl, thresh - len(classname) - 2) if nl: body = ub.indent(body, ' ') return '{}({})'.format(classname, body.rstrip(' '))
[docs] def json_id(self): children = ub.odict([(key, child.json_id()) for key, child in self.children()]) params = ub.odict([ (key, value.tolist() if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) else value) for key, value in self._params.items()]) return ub.dict_union(ub.odict([('__class__', self.__class__.__name__)]), params, children)
[docs] def _make_body(self, self_part, child_part, nl=None, thresh=80): parts = self_part + child_part if len(parts) == 0: body = '' else: sep = ', ' oneline_body = sep.join(parts) if nl is None: nl = len(oneline_body) > thresh or len(child_part) > 0 if nl: sep = ',\n' body = '\n' + sep.join(parts) + '\n' else: body = oneline_body return body, nl
def __nice__(self): try: params = ub.odict(self.parameters()) return ub.urepr(params, nl=0, precision=2, si=True, nobr=True, explicit=True) except Exception: return '?'
[docs] class ParameterizedList(Parameterized): """ Example: >>> from kwarray import distributions as stoch >>> self1 = stoch.ParameterizedList([ >>> stoch.Normal(), >>> stoch.Uniform(), >>> ]) >>> print(self1.idstr()) >>> self = stoch.ParameterizedList([stoch.ParameterizedList([ >>> stoch.Normal(), >>> stoch.Uniform(), >>> self1, >>> ])]) >>> print(self.idstr()) >>> print(self.idstr(0)) """ def __init__(self, items): super(ParameterizedList, self).__init__() self._items = [] for t in items: self.append(t)
[docs] def _setparam(self, key, value): raise NotImplementedError('lists cannot have params')
[docs] def append(self, item): key = str(len(self._items)) self._items.append(item) self._setchild(key, item)
def __iter__(self): return iter(self._items) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, (int, slice)): return self._items[key] else: return self._children[key]
[docs] def idstr(self, nl=None, thresh=80): assert len(self._items) == len(self._children) assert len(self._params) == 0 child_part = ['{}'.format(child.idstr(nl, thresh=thresh - 2)) for key, child in self.children()] body, nl = self._make_body([], child_part, nl, thresh - 2) if nl: body = ub.indent(body, ' ') return '[{}]'.format(body.rstrip(' '))
[docs] class _BinOpMixin(object): """ Allows binary operations to be performed on distributions to create composed distributions. """ def __add__(self, other): return Composed(np.add, [self, other]) def __pow__(self, other): return Composed(np.power, [self, other]) def __mul__(self, other): return Composed(np.multiply, [self, other]) def __sub__(self, other): return Composed(np.subtract, [self, other]) def __truediv__(self, other): return Composed(np.divide, [self, other]) def __matmul__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __floordiv__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __mod__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __divmod__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __lshift__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __rshift__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __and__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __xor__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __or__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __neg__(self): return Composed(np.negative, [self]) def __pos__(self): return Composed(np.positive, [self]) def __invert__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __abs__(self): return Composed(np.abs, [self]) def __round__(self, ndigits=None): return Composed(np.round, [self, ndigits]) def __trunc__(self): return Composed(np.trunc, [self]) def __floor__(self): return Composed(np.floor, [self]) def __ceil__(self): return Composed(np.ceil, [self]) # Numpy mixins # def __getattr__(self, attr): # # Handle application of general numpy functions # operation = getattr(np, attr) # return Composed(operation, [self])
[docs] def int(self): def _cast_int(x): if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return x.astype( else: return int(x) return Composed(_cast_int, [self])
[docs] def round(self, ndigits=None): return Composed(np.round, [self, ndigits])
[docs] def clip(self, a_min=None, a_max=None): return Composed(np.clip, [self, a_min, a_max])
[docs] def log(self): return Composed(np.log, [self])
[docs] def log10(self): return Composed(np.log10, [self])
[docs] def exp(self): return Composed(np.exp, [self])
[docs] def sqrt(self): return Composed(np.sqrt, [self])
[docs] def abs(self): return Composed(np.abs, [self])
[docs] class _RBinOpMixin(_BinOpMixin): """ """ def __radd__(self, other): return Composed(np.add, [other, self]) def __rpow__(self, other): return Composed(np.power, [other, self]) def __rmul__(self, other): return Composed(np.multiply, [other, self]) def __rsub__(self, other): return Composed(np.subtract, [other, self]) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return Composed(np.divide, [other, self]) def __rmatmul__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __rfloordiv__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __rmod__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __rdivmod__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __rlshift__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __rrshift__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __rand__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __rxor__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __ror__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class Distribution(Parameterized, _RBinOpMixin): """ Base class for all distributions. There are 3 main subtypes: ContinuousDistribution DiscreteDistribution MixedDistribution Note: In [DiscVsCont]_ notes that there are only 3 types of random variables: discrete, continuous, or mixed. And these types are mutually exclusive. Note: When inheriting from this class, you typically do not need to define an `__init__` method. Instead, overwrite the `__params__` class attribute with an `OrderedDict[str, Value]` to indicate what the signature of the `__init__` method should be. This allows for (1) concise expression of new distributions and (2) for new distributions to inherit a `random` classmethod that works according to constraints specified in each parameter Value. If you do overwrite `__init__`, be sure to call `super()`. References: .. [DiscVsCont] """ __params__ = NotImplemented # overwrite! def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Distribution, self).__init__() rng = kwargs.pop('rng', None) self.rng = ensure_rng(rng) constraints = [] __params__ = self.__params__ if __params__ is NotImplemented: print('Warning, no params: self={!r}'.format(self)) elif isinstance(__params__, dict): for paramx, (key, info) in enumerate(__params__.items()): = key if paramx < len(args): val = args[paramx] if key in kwargs: raise ValueError('arg pased as both positional and keyword') else: val = kwargs.get(key, info.default) self._setparam(key, val) if info.min is not None: constraints.append(lambda: val >= info.min) if info.max is not None: constraints.append(lambda: val <= info.max) if info.constraints: constraints.extend(info.constraints) else: raise TypeError(__params__) def __call__(self, *shape): return self.sample(*shape)
[docs] def seed(self, rng=None): super(Distribution, self).seed(rng) self.rng = ensure_rng(rng)
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): raise NotImplementedError('overwrite me')
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, rng=None): """ Returns a random distribution Args: rng (int | float | None | numpy.random.RandomState | random.Random): random coercable CommandLine: xdoctest -m /home/joncrall/code/kwarray/kwarray/ Distribution.random --show Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:scipy) >>> from kwarray.distributions import * # NOQA >>> self = Distribution.random() >>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> self.plot('0.001s', bins=256) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ rng = ensure_rng(rng) if cls is Distribution: _PRIMATIVES = [ # Bernoulli, # Binomial, # Categorical, # Constant, # DiscreteUniform, Normal, Exponential, TruncNormal, Uniform, ] chosen = rng.choice(_PRIMATIVES) self = chosen.random(rng=rng) else: try: # TODO: # - [ ] Suport for notations like a "min" param must be smaller # than a "max" param. kw = {} for k, v in cls.__params__.items(): type = v.type if type is not None: sample = v.sample(rng=rng) kw[k] = sample self = cls(rng=rng, **kw) except Exception: print('Error constructing random cls = {!r}'.format(cls)) raise return self
[docs] @classmethod def coerce(cls, arg, rng=None): if isinstance(arg, cls): self = arg elif isinstance(arg, Distribution): # allow distribution substitution self = arg elif isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): self = cls(*arg, rng=rng) elif isinstance(arg, dict): self = cls(rng=rng, **arg) else: raise CoerceError('cannot coerce {} as {}'.format(arg, cls)) return self
[docs] @classmethod def cast(cls, arg): import warnings warnings.warn('Distributions.cast is deprecated. Use coerce', DeprecationWarning) return cls.coerce(arg)
[docs] @classmethod def seeded(cls, rng=0): return Seeded(rng, cls)
[docs] def plot(self, n='0.01s', bins='auto', stat='count', color=None, kde=True, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots ``n`` samples from the distribution. Args: bins (int | List[Number] | str): number of bins, bin edges, or special numpy method for finding the number of bins. stat (str): density, count, probability, frequency **kwargs: other args passed to :func:`seaborn.histplot` Example: >>> from kwarray.distributions import Normal # NOQA >>> self = Normal() >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> self.plot(n=1000) """ import seaborn as sns if isinstance(n, str): data = _generate_on_a_time_budget(func=lambda: self.sample(100), maxiters=1000, budget=n) print(len(data)) else: data = self.sample(n) return sns.histplot(data, ax=ax, bins=bins, color=color, stat=stat, kde=kde, **kwargs)
[docs] def _show(self, n, bins=None, ax=None, color=None, label=None): """ plot samples monte-carlo style """ import warnings warnings.warn('plot is deprecated, use plot instead') if ax is None: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() data = self.sample(n) ax.hist(data, bins=bins, color=color, label=label)
[docs] def _coerce_timedelta(data): import datetime if isinstance(data, datetime.timedelta): delta = data num_seconds = delta.total_seconds() elif isinstance(data, numbers.Number): num_seconds = data elif isinstance(data, str): if data.endswith('s'): try: num_seconds = float(data[:-1]) except Exception: num_seconds = None if num_seconds is None: import pytimeparse num_seconds = pytimeparse.parse(data) if num_seconds is None: raise ValueError('{} is not a parsable delta'.format(data)) else: raise TypeError(data) return num_seconds
[docs] def _generate_on_a_time_budget(func, maxiters, budget): """ budget = 60 """ seconds = _coerce_timedelta(budget) timer = ub.Timer().tic() accum = [] accum.append(func()) if timer.toc() < seconds / 2.0: for i in range(1, maxiters): if timer.toc() >= seconds: break accum.append(func()) data = np.hstack(accum) return data
[docs] class DiscreteDistribution(Distribution): # @classmethod # def coerce(cls, arg) pass
[docs] class ContinuousDistribution(Distribution): pass
[docs] class MixedDistribution(Distribution): pass
[docs] class Mixture(MixedDistribution): """ Creates a mixture model of multiple distributions Contains a set of distributions with associated weights. Sampling is done by first choosing a distribution with probability proportional to its weighthing, and then sampling from the chosen distribution. In general, a mixture model generates data by first first we sample from z, and then we sample the observables x from a distribution which depends on z. , i.e. p(z, x) = p(z) p(x | z) [GrosseMixture]_ [StephensMixture]_. Args: pdfs (List[Distribution]): list of distributions weights (List[float]): corresponding weights of each distribution rng (np.random.RandomState): seed random number generator References: .. [StephensMixture] .. [GrosseMixture] CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwarray.distributions Mixture:0 --show Example: >>> # In this examle we create a bimodal mixture of normals >>> from kwarray.distributions import * # NOQA >>> pdfs = [Normal(mean=10, std=2), Normal(18, 2)] >>> self = Mixture(pdfs) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> self.plot(500, bins=25) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # Compare Composed versus Mixture Distributions >>> # Given two normal distributions, >>> from kwarray.distributions import Normal # NOQA >>> from kwarray.distributions import * # NOQA >>> n1 = Normal(mean=11, std=3) >>> n2 = Normal(mean=53, std=5) >>> composed = (n1 * 0.3) + (n2 * 0.7) >>> mixture = Mixture([n1, n2], [0.3, 0.7]) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(2, 2, 1)) >>> ax = kwplot.figure(pnum=(2, 1, 1), title='n1 & n2').gca() >>> n = 10000 >>> plotkw = dict(stat='density', kde=1, bins=1000) >>> plotkw = dict(stat='count', kde=1, bins=1000) >>> #plotkw = dict(stat='frequency', kde=1, bins='auto') >>> n1.plot(n, ax=ax, **plotkw) >>> n2.plot(n, ax=ax, **plotkw) >>> ax=kwplot.figure(pnum=(2, 2, 3), title='composed').gca() >>> composed.plot(n, ax=ax, **plotkw) >>> ax=kwplot.figure(pnum=(2, 2, 4), title='mixture').gca() >>> mixture.plot(n, ax=ax, **plotkw) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ def __init__(self, pdfs, weights=None, rng=None): super(Mixture, self).__init__(rng=rng) self.pdfs = pdfs self._setparam('pdfs', pdfs) self._setparam('weights', weights) idxs = np.arange(len(pdfs)) self._idx_choice = Categorical(idxs, weights, rng=rng)
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): """ Sampling from a mixture of k distributions with weights w_k is equivalent to picking a distribution with probability w_k, and then sampling from the picked distribution. `SOuser6655984 <>` """ # Choose which distributions are picked for each sample idxs = self._idx_choice.sample(*shape) idx_to_nsamples = ub.dict_hist(idxs.ravel()) out = np.zeros(*shape) for idx, n in idx_to_nsamples.items(): # Sample the from the distribution we picked mask = (idx == idxs) subsample = self.pdfs[idx].sample(n) out[mask] = subsample return out
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, rng=None, n=3): """ Args: rng (int | float | None | numpy.random.RandomState | random.Random): random coercable n (int): number of random distributions in the mixture Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:scipy) >>> from kwarray.distributions import * # NOQA >>> print('Mixture = {!r}'.format(Mixture)) >>> print('Mixture = {!r}'.format(dir(Mixture))) >>> self = Mixture.random(3) >>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> self.plot('0.1s', bins=256) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ rng = ensure_rng(rng) components = [] for _ in range(n): item = Distribution.random(rng=rng) components.append(item) weights = rng.rand(n) weights = weights / weights.sum() self = cls(components, weights) return self
[docs] class Composed(MixedDistribution): """ A distribution generated by composing different base distributions or numbers (which are considered as constant distributions). Given the operation and its arguments, the sampling process of a "Composed" distribution will sample from each of the operands, and then apply the operation to the sampled points. For instance if we add two Normal distributions, this will first sample from each distribution and then add the results. Note: This is not the same as mixing distributions! Attributes: self.operation (Function) : operation (add / sub / mult / div) to perform on operands self.operands (Sequence[Distribution | Number]) : arguments passed to operation Example: >>> # In this examle you can see that the sum of two Normal random >>> # variables is also normal >>> from kwarray.distributions import * # NOQA >>> operands = [Normal(mean=10, std=2), Normal(15, 2)] >>> operation = np.add >>> self = Composed(operation, operands) >>> data = self.sample(5) >>> print(ub.urepr(list(data), nl=0, precision=5)) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> self.plot(1000, bins=100) Example: >>> # Binary operations result in composed distributions >>> # We can make a (bounded) exponential distribution using a uniform >>> from kwarray.distributions import * # NOQA >>> X = Uniform(.001, 7) >>> lam = .7 >>> e = np.exp(1) >>> self = lam * e ** (-lam * X) >>> data = self.sample(5) >>> print(ub.urepr(list(data), nl=0, precision=5)) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> self.plot(5000, bins=100) """ __params__ = ub.odict([ ('operation', Value()), ('operands', Value()), ])
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): # resolved_args = [arg.sample(*shape) for arg in self.operands] resolved_args = [_trysample(arg, shape) for arg in self.operands] return self.operation(*resolved_args)
[docs] def _trysample(arg, shape): """ samples if arg is a distribution, otherwise returns arg """ try: return arg.sample(*shape) except Exception: return arg
[docs] class CoerceError(ValueError): pass
# Temporary backwards compat CastError = CoerceError
[docs] class Uniform(ContinuousDistribution): """ Defaults to a uniform distribution over floats between 0 and 1 Example: >>> from kwarray.distributions import * # NOQA >>> self = Uniform(rng=0) >>> self.sample() 0.548813... >>> float(self.sample(1)) 0.7151... Benchmark: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> self = Uniform() >>> for timer in ub.Timerit(100, bestof=10): >>> with timer: >>> [self() for _ in range(100)] >>> for timer in ub.Timerit(100, bestof=10): >>> with timer: >>> self(100) """ __params__ = ub.odict([ ('high', Value(default=1)), ('low', Value(default=0)), ])
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): return self.rng.rand(*shape) * (self.high - self.low) + self.low
[docs] @classmethod def coerce(cls, arg): try: self = super(Uniform, cls).coerce(arg) except CoerceError: if isinstance(arg, (int, float)): self = cls(low=0, high=arg) else: raise return self
[docs] class Exponential(ContinuousDistribution): """ The exponential distribution is the probability distribution of the time between events in a Poisson point process, i.e., a process in which events occur continuously and independently at a constant average rate [1]_. Referencs: .. [1] Example: >>> from kwarray.distributions import * # NOQA >>> self = Exponential(rng=0) >>> self.sample() >>> self.sample(2, 3) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> self.plot(500, bins=25) Args: scale (int) : no help given. Defaults to 1. """ __params__ = ub.odict([ ('scale', Value(1, min=0)), ])
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): return self.rng.exponential(self.scale, size=shape)
[docs] class Constant(DiscreteDistribution): """ Example: >>> self = Constant(42, rng=0) >>> self.sample() 42 >>> self.sample(3) array([42, 42, 42]) """ __params__ = ub.odict([ ('value', Value(1, help='constant value')), ])
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): if shape: return np.full(shape, fill_value=self.value) else: return self.value
[docs] class DiscreteUniform(DiscreteDistribution): """ Uniform distribution over integers. Args: min (int): inclusive minimum max (int): exclusive maximum Example: >>> self = DiscreteUniform.coerce(4) >>> self.sample(100) """ __params__ = ub.odict([ ('min', Value(0)), ('max', Value(1)), ])
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): if len(shape) == 0: shape = None idx = self.rng.randint(self.min, self.max, size=shape) return idx
[docs] @classmethod def coerce(cls, arg, rng=None): try: self = super(DiscreteUniform, cls).coerce(arg, rng=rng) except CoerceError: if isinstance(arg, (int, float)): self = cls(max=arg, rng=rng) else: raise return self
[docs] class Normal(ContinuousDistribution): """ A normal distribution. See [WikiNormal]_ [WikiCLT]_. References: .. [WikiNormal] .. [WikiCLT] Example: >>> from kwarray.distributions import * # NOQA >>> self = Normal(mean=100, rng=0) >>> self.sample() >>> self.sample(100) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> self.plot(500, bins=25) """ __params__ = ub.odict([ ('mean', Value(0.0)), ('std', Value(1.0, min=1e-3)), ])
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): return self.rng.randn(*shape) * self.std + self.mean
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, rng=None): rng = ensure_rng(rng) mean = (rng.rand() * 1024) - 512 std = np.abs((rng.randn() * 32)) + 1 return cls(mean=mean, std=std, rng=rng)
[docs] class TruncNormal(ContinuousDistribution): """ A truncated normal distribution. A normal distribution, but bounded by low and high values. Note this is much different from just using a clipped normal. Args: mean (float): mean of the distribution std (float): standard deviation of the distribution low (float): lower bound high (float): upper bound rng (np.random.RandomState): References: CommandLine: xdoctest -m /home/joncrall/code/kwarray/kwarray/ TruncNormal Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:scipy) >>> self = TruncNormal(rng=0) >>> self() # output of this changes before/after scipy version 1.5 ...0.1226... Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:scipy) >>> from kwarray.distributions import * # NOQA >>> low = -np.pi / 16 >>> high = np.pi / 16 >>> std = np.pi / 8 >>> self = TruncNormal(low=low, high=high, std=std, rng=0) >>> shape = (3, 3) >>> data = self(*shape) >>> print(ub.urepr(data, precision=5)) np.array([[ 0.01841, 0.0817 , 0.0388 ], [ 0.01692, -0.0288 , 0.05517], [-0.02354, 0.15134, 0.18098]], dtype=np.float64) """ __params__ = ub.odict([ ('mean', Value(0.0)), ('std', Value(1.0)), ('low', Value(-inf)), ('high', Value(inf)), ]) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TruncNormal, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._update_internals()
[docs] def _update_internals(self): from scipy.stats import truncnorm # Convert high and low values to be wrt the standard normal range # self.a = (self.low - self.mean) / self.std self.b = (self.high - self.mean) / self.std self.rv = truncnorm(a=self.a, b=self.b, loc=self.mean, scale=self.std)
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, rng=None): rng = ensure_rng(rng) mean = (rng.rand() * 1024) - 512 std = np.abs((rng.randn() * 32)) + 1 low = mean - (std * rng.rand() * 6) high = mean + (std * rng.rand() * 6) return cls(mean=mean, std=std, low=low, high=high)
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): arr = self.rv.rvs(size=shape, random_state=self.rng) return arr
[docs] class Bernoulli(DiscreteDistribution): """ The Bernoulli distribution is the discrete probability distribution of a random variable which takes the value 1 with probability `p` and the value 0 with probability `q = 1 - p`. References: """ __params__ = ub.odict([ ('p', Value(0.5, help='probability of success', min=0, max=1)), ])
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): return self.rng.rand(*shape) < self.p
[docs] @classmethod def coerce(cls, arg): try: self = super(Bernoulli, cls).coerce(arg) except CoerceError: if isinstance(arg, (int, float)): self = cls(p=arg) else: raise return self
[docs] class Binomial(DiscreteDistribution): """ The Binomial distribution represents the discrete probabilities of obtaining some number of successes in n "binary-experiments" each with a probability of success p and a probability of failure 1 - p. References: """ __params__ = ub.odict([ ('p', Value(0.5, min=0, max=1, help='probability of success')), ('n', Value(1, min=0, help='probability of success')), ])
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): return self.rng.rand(*shape) > self.p
# class Multinomial(Distribution): # """ # Generalization of binomial such that instead of a binary experiment, # the experiment could have k outcomes. Ie the experiment is rolling dice. # """ # __params__ = { # 'p': {'default': 0.5, 'max': 1, 'min': 0, 'help': 'probability of each side'}, # 'n': {'default': 1, 'min': 0, 'help': 'number of trials'}, # 'k': {'default': 2, 'min': 2, 'help': 'sides on the dice'}, # } # def __init__(self, n=1, p=.5, rng=None): # super().__init__(**locals())
[docs] class Categorical(DiscreteDistribution): """ Example: >>> categories = [3, 5, 1] >>> weights = [.05, .5, .45] >>> self = Categorical(categories, weights, rng=0) >>> self.sample() 5 >>> list(self.sample(2)) [1, 1] >>> self.sample(2, 3) array([[5, 5, 1], [5, 1, 1]]) """ __params__ = ub.odict([ ('categories', Value()), ('weights', Value(None)), ]) def __init__(self, categories, weights=None, rng=None): super(Categorical, self).__init__(rng=rng) self._setparam('categories', np.array(categories)) self._setparam('weights', weights) self._idxs = np.arange(len(self.categories))
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): if len(shape) == 0: shape = None idxs = self.rng.choice(self._idxs, size=shape, p=self.weights) # if isinstance(self.categories, np.ndarray): return self.categories[idxs]
# return self.rng.choice(self.categories, size=shape, p=self.weights)
[docs] class NonlinearUniform(ContinuousDistribution): """ Weighted sample between two points depending on some nonlinearity TODO: could refactor part of this into a PowerLaw distribution Args: nonlinearity (func or str): needs to be a function that maps the range 0-1 to the range 0-1 Example: >>> self = NonlinearUniform(0, 100, np.sqrt, rng=0) >>> print(ub.urepr(list(self.sample(2)), precision=2, nl=0)) [74.08, 84.57] >>> print(ub.urepr(self.sample(2, 3), precision=2, nl=1)) np.array([[77.64, 73.82, 65.09], [80.37, 66.15, 94.43]], dtype=np.float64) Ignore: bins = np.linspace(0, 100, 100) NonlinearUniform(0, 100, None, rng=0).plot(10000, bins=bins) NonlinearUniform(0, 100, 'sqrt', rng=0).plot(10000, bins=bins) NonlinearUniform(0, 100, 'squared', rng=0).plot(10000, bins=bins) NonlinearUniform(0, 100, 'log', rng=0).plot(10000, bins=bins) NonlinearUniform(0, 100, 'exp', rng=0).plot(10000, bins=bins) NonlinearUniform(0, 100, 0.25, rng=0).plot(10000, bins=bins) NonlinearUniform(0, 100, 4.0, rng=0).plot(10000, bins=bins) NonlinearUniform(0, 100, 2.0, rng=0).plot(10000, bins=bins) """ def __init__(self, min, max, nonlinearity=None, reverse=False, rng=None): super(NonlinearUniform, self).__init__(rng=rng) self._setparam('min', min) self._setparam('max', max) if nonlinearity == 'linear' or nonlinearity is None: nonlinearity = None elif nonlinearity == 'exp': nonlinearity = lambda x: (np.exp(x) - 1) / (np.exp(1) - 1) # NOQA elif nonlinearity == 'log': nonlinearity = lambda x: np.log(x + 1) / np.log(2) # NOQA elif nonlinearity == 'squared': nonlinearity = lambda x: np.power(x, 2) # NOQA elif nonlinearity == 'sqrt': nonlinearity = np.sqrt elif isinstance(nonlinearity, float): # Use a powerlaw param = nonlinearity nonlinearity = lambda x: np.power(x, param) # NOQA elif not callable(nonlinearity): raise KeyError(nonlinearity) self._setparam('nonlinearity', nonlinearity) self._setparam('reverse', reverse)
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): if len(shape) == 0: base = self.rng.rand() else: base = self.rng.rand(*shape) if self.reverse: base = 1 - base if self.nonlinearity is not None: base = self.nonlinearity(base) return base * (self.max - self.min) + self.min
[docs] class CategoryUniform(DiscreteUniform): """ Discrete Uniform over a list of categories """ def __init__(self, categories=[None], rng=None): super(CategoryUniform, self).__init__(rng=rng) self._setparam('categories', np.array(categories)) self._num = len(self.categories)
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): if len(shape) == 0: shape = None idx = self.rng.randint(0, self._num, size=shape) return self.categories[idx]
[docs] class PDF(Distribution): """ BROKEN? Similar to Categorical, but interpolates to approximate a continuous random variable. Returns a value x with probability p. References: Args: x (list or tuple): domain in which this PDF is defined p (list): probability sample for each domain sample Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:scipy) >>> from kwarray.distributions import PDF # NOQA >>> x = np.linspace(800, 4500) >>> p = np.log10(x) >>> p = x ** 2 >>> self = PDF(x, p) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> self.plot(5000, bins=50) """ def __init__(self, x, p, rng=None): import scipy.interpolate as interpolate super(PDF, self).__init__(rng=rng) if isinstance(x, tuple): self.edge_x = np.linspace(x[0], x[1], len(p) + 1) else: # Need to convert point samples to edges self.edge_x = interpolate.interp1d(np.linspace(0, 1, len(x)), x)(np.linspace(0, 1, len(x) + 1)) # FIXME: might have a bug causing probability to be shifted slightly # Normalize probabilities p = p / p.sum() # Calculate CDF and interpolate edges self.edge_cdf = np.hstack([[0], np.cumsum(p)]) # FIXME: This is not actually the inverse. Like, at all. # In fact its the inverse of the inverse. self.inv_cdf = interpolate.interp1d(self.edge_cdf, self.edge_x)
[docs] def sample(self, *shape): # Right idea, but wrong implementation r = np.random.rand(*shape) return self.inv_cdf(r)
[docs] class Seeded(object): """ Helper for grabbing pre-seeded distributions """ def __init__(self, rng=None, cls=None): self.rng = rng self.cls = cls def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.cls(*args, rng=self.rng, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, key): return functools.partial(globals()[key], rng=self.rng)
[docs] def _test_distributions(): from kwarray import distributions as stoch cls_list = [] for cls in vars(stoch).values(): if isinstance(cls, type): if issubclass(cls, stoch.Distribution): if cls is not stoch.Distribution: cls_list.append(cls) for cls in cls_list: rng = np.random.RandomState(0) inst = cls(rng=rng) scalar_sample = inst.sample() vector_sample = inst.sample(1) print('inst = {!r}'.format(inst)) print('scalar_sample = {!r}'.format(scalar_sample)) print('vector_sample = {!r}'.format(vector_sample)) assert not ub.iterable(scalar_sample) assert ub.iterable(vector_sample) assert vector_sample.shape == (1,)
[docs] def _process_docstrings(): """ Iterate over the definitions with __params__ defined and dynamically add relevant information to their docstrings. We should modify this so it can rewrite the docstrings statically. I don't like dynamic docstrings at runtime. CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwarray.distributions _process_docstrings Example: >>> # Show the results of the docstring formatting >>> from kwarray import distributions >>> candidates = [] >>> for val in distributions.__dict__.values(): >>> if hasattr(val, '__params__') and val.__params__ is not NotImplemented: >>> candidates.append(val) >>> for val in candidates: >>> print('======') >>> print(val) >>> print('-----') >>> print(val.__doc__) >>> print('======') """ from kwarray import distributions candidates = [] for val in distributions.__dict__.values(): if hasattr(val, '__params__') and val.__params__ is not NotImplemented: candidates.append(val) for val in candidates: if val.__doc__ is None: val.__doc__ = '' if 'Args:' not in val.__doc__: arglines = [] for key, info in val.__params__.items(): desc_parts = [] if desc_parts.append( desc_parts.append('Defaults to {}'.format(info.default)) desc_parts = [p if p.endswith('.') else p + '.' for p in desc_parts] desc = ' '.join(desc_parts) if info.type is None: type = 'Any' elif hasattr(info.type, '__name__'): type = info.type.__name__ else: type = str(info.type) arginfo = { 'name': key, 'type': type, 'desc': desc, } arglines.append('{name} ({type}) : {desc}'.format(**arginfo)) newpart = ' ' * 4 + 'Args:\n' + ub.indent('\n'.join(arglines), ' ' * 8) val.__doc__ = val.__doc__ + '\n' + newpart + '\n'