kwarray.util_slider module

Defines the SlidingWindow and Sticher classes.

The SlidingWindow generates a grid of slices over an numpy.ndarray(), which can then be used to compute on subsets of the data. The Stitcher can then take these results and recombine them into a final result that matches the larger array.

class kwarray.util_slider.SlidingWindow(shape, window, overlap=None, stride=None, keepbound=False, allow_overshoot=False)[source]

Bases: NiceRepr

Slide a window of a certain shape over an array with a larger shape.

This can be used for iterating over a grid of sub-regions of 2d-images, 3d-volumes, or any n-dimensional array.

Yields slices of shape window that can be used to index into an array with shape shape via numpy / torch fancy indexing. This allows for fast fast iteration over subregions of a larger image. Because we generate a grid-basis using only shapes, the larger image does not need to be in memory as long as its width/height/depth/etc…

  • shape (Tuple[int, …]) – shape of source array to slide across.

  • window (Tuple[int, …]) – shape of window that will be slid over the larger image.

  • overlap (float, default=0) – a number between 0 and 1 indicating the fraction of overlap that parts will have. Specifying this is mutually exclusive with stride. Must be 0 <= overlap < 1.

  • stride (int, default=None) – the number of cells (pixels) moved on each step of the window. Mutually exclusive with overlap.

  • keepbound (bool, default=False) – if True, a non-uniform stride will be taken to ensure that the right / bottom of the image is returned as a slice if needed. Such a slice will not obey the overlap constraints. (Defaults to False)

  • allow_overshoot (bool, default=False) – if False, we will raise an error if the window doesn’t slide perfectly over the input shape.

  • strides (basis_shape - shape of the grid corresponding to the number of) – the sliding window will take.

  • dimension (basis_slices - slices that will be taken in every) –


Tuple[slice, …]

slices used for numpy indexing, the number of slices

in the tuple


For each dimension, we generate a basis (which defines a grid), and we slide over that basis.


  • [ ] have an option that is allowed to go outside of the window bounds

    on the right and bottom when the slider overshoots.


>>> from kwarray.util_slider import *  # NOQA
>>> shape = (10, 10)
>>> window = (5, 5)
>>> self = SlidingWindow(shape, window)
>>> for i, index in enumerate(self):
>>>     print('i={}, index={}'.format(i, index))
i=0, index=(slice(0, 5, None), slice(0, 5, None))
i=1, index=(slice(0, 5, None), slice(5, 10, None))
i=2, index=(slice(5, 10, None), slice(0, 5, None))
i=3, index=(slice(5, 10, None), slice(5, 10, None))


>>> from kwarray.util_slider import *  # NOQA
>>> shape = (16, 16)
>>> window = (4, 4)
>>> self = SlidingWindow(shape, window, overlap=(.5, .25))
>>> print('self.stride = {!r}'.format(self.stride))
self.stride = [2, 3]
>>> list(ub.chunks(self.grid, 5))
[[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4)],
 [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4)],
 [(2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4)],
 [(3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4)],
 [(4, 0), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4)],
 [(5, 0), (5, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4)],
 [(6, 0), (6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (6, 4)]]


>>> # Test shapes that dont fit
>>> # When the window is bigger than the shape, the left-aligned slices
>>> # are returend.
>>> self = SlidingWindow((3, 3), (12, 12), allow_overshoot=True, keepbound=True)
>>> print(list(self))
[(slice(0, 12, None), slice(0, 12, None))]
>>> print(list(SlidingWindow((3, 3), None, allow_overshoot=True, keepbound=True)))
[(slice(0, 3, None), slice(0, 3, None))]
>>> print(list(SlidingWindow((3, 3), (None, 2), allow_overshoot=True, keepbound=True)))
[(slice(0, 3, None), slice(0, 2, None)), (slice(0, 3, None), slice(1, 3, None))]
_compute_stride(overlap, stride, shape, window)[source]

Ensures that stride hasoverlap the correct shape. If stride is not provided, compute stride from desired overlap.

property grid

Generate indices into the “basis” slice for each dimension. This enumerates the nd indices of the grid.


Tuple[int, …]

property slices

Generate slices for each window (equivalent to iter(self))


>>> shape = (220, 220)
>>> window = (10, 10)
>>> self = SlidingWindow(shape, window, stride=5)
>>> list(self)[41:45]
[(slice(0, 10, None), slice(205, 215, None)),
 (slice(0, 10, None), slice(210, 220, None)),
 (slice(5, 15, None), slice(0, 10, None)),
 (slice(5, 15, None), slice(5, 15, None))]
>>> print('self.overlap = {!r}'.format(self.overlap))
self.overlap = [0.5, 0.5]
property centers

Generate centers of each window


Tuple[float, …] – the center coordinate of the slice


>>> shape = (4, 4)
>>> window = (3, 3)
>>> self = SlidingWindow(shape, window, stride=1)
>>> list(zip(self.centers, self.slices))
[((1.0, 1.0), (slice(0, 3, None), slice(0, 3, None))),
 ((1.0, 2.0), (slice(0, 3, None), slice(1, 4, None))),
 ((2.0, 1.0), (slice(1, 4, None), slice(0, 3, None))),
 ((2.0, 2.0), (slice(1, 4, None), slice(1, 4, None)))]
>>> shape = (3, 3)
>>> window = (2, 2)
>>> self = SlidingWindow(shape, window, stride=1)
>>> list(zip(self.centers, self.slices))
[((0.5, 0.5), (slice(0, 2, None), slice(0, 2, None))),
 ((0.5, 1.5), (slice(0, 2, None), slice(1, 3, None))),
 ((1.5, 0.5), (slice(1, 3, None), slice(0, 2, None))),
 ((1.5, 1.5), (slice(1, 3, None), slice(1, 3, None)))]
class kwarray.util_slider.Stitcher(shape, device='numpy', dtype='float32', nan_policy='propogate')[source]

Bases: NiceRepr

Stitches multiple possibly overlapping slices into a larger array.

This is used to invert the SlidingWindow. For semenatic segmentation the patches are probability chips. Overlapping chips are averaged together.

kwarray.RunningStats - similarly performs running means, but

can also track other statistics.


>>> from kwarray.util_slider import *  # NOQA
>>> import sys
>>> # Build a high resolution image and slice it into chips
>>> highres = np.random.rand(5, 200, 200).astype(np.float32)
>>> target_shape = (1, 50, 50)
>>> slider = SlidingWindow(highres.shape, target_shape, overlap=(0, .5, .5))
>>> # Show how Sticher can be used to reconstruct the original image
>>> stitcher = Stitcher(slider.input_shape)
>>> for sl in list(slider):
...     chip = highres[sl]
...     stitcher.add(sl, chip)
>>> assert stitcher.weights.max() == 4, 'some parts should be processed 4 times'
>>> recon = stitcher.finalize()


>>> from kwarray.util_slider import *  # NOQA
>>> import sys
>>> # Demo stitching 3 patterns where one has nans
>>> pat1 = np.full((32, 32), fill_value=0.2)
>>> pat2 = np.full((32, 32), fill_value=0.4)
>>> pat3 = np.full((32, 32), fill_value=0.8)
>>> pat1[:, 16:] = 0.6
>>> pat2[16:, :] = np.nan
>>> # Test with nan_policy=omit
>>> stitcher = Stitcher(shape=(32, 64), nan_policy='omit')
>>> stitcher[0:32, 0:32](pat1)
>>> stitcher[0:32, 16:48](pat2)
>>> stitcher[0:32, 33:64](pat3[:, 1:])
>>> final1 = stitcher.finalize()
>>> # Test without nan_policy=propogate
>>> stitcher = Stitcher(shape=(32, 64), nan_policy='propogate')
>>> stitcher[0:32, 0:32](pat1)
>>> stitcher[0:32, 16:48](pat2)
>>> stitcher[0:32, 33:64](pat3[:, 1:])
>>> final2 = stitcher.finalize()
>>> # Checks
>>> assert np.isnan(final1).sum() == 16, 'only should contain nan where no data was stiched'
>>> assert np.isnan(final2).sum() == 512, 'should contain nan wherever a nan was stitched'
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot)
>>> import kwplot
>>> import kwimage
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> kwplot.imshow(pat1, title='pat1', pnum=(3, 3, 1))
>>> kwplot.imshow(kwimage.nodata_checkerboard(pat2, square_shape=1), title='pat2 (has nans)', pnum=(3, 3, 2))
>>> kwplot.imshow(pat3, title='pat3', pnum=(3, 3, 3))
>>> kwplot.imshow(kwimage.nodata_checkerboard(final1, square_shape=1), title='stitched (nan_policy=omit)', pnum=(3, 1, 2))
>>> kwplot.imshow(kwimage.nodata_checkerboard(final2, square_shape=1), title='stitched (nan_policy=propogate)', pnum=(3, 1, 3))


>>> # Example of weighted stitching
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwimage)
>>> from kwarray.util_slider import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwimage
>>> import kwarray
>>> import sys
>>> data = kwimage.Mask.demo().data.astype(np.float32)
>>> data_dims = data.shape
>>> window_dims = (8, 8)
>>> # We are going to slide a window over the data, do some processing
>>> # and then stitch it all back together. There are a few ways we
>>> # can do it. Lets demo the params.
>>> basis = {
>>>     # Vary the overlap of the slider
>>>     'overlap': (0, 0.5, .9),
>>>     # Vary if we are using weighted stitching or not
>>>     'weighted': ['none', 'gauss'],
>>>     'keepbound': [True, False]
>>> }
>>> results = []
>>> gauss_weights = kwimage.gaussian_patch(window_dims)
>>> gauss_weights = kwimage.normalize(gauss_weights)
>>> for params in ub.named_product(basis):
>>>     if params['weighted'] == 'none':
>>>         weights = None
>>>     elif params['weighted'] == 'gauss':
>>>         weights = gauss_weights
>>>     # Build the slider and stitcher
>>>     slider = kwarray.SlidingWindow(
>>>         data_dims, window_dims, overlap=params['overlap'],
>>>         allow_overshoot=True,
>>>         keepbound=params['keepbound'])
>>>     stitcher = kwarray.Stitcher(data_dims)
>>>     # Loop over the regions
>>>     for sl in list(slider):
>>>          chip = data[sl]
>>>          # This is our dummy function for thie example.
>>>          predicted = np.ones_like(chip) * chip.sum() / chip.size
>>>          stitcher.add(sl, predicted, weight=weights)
>>>     final = stitcher.finalize()
>>>     results.append({
>>>         'final': final,
>>>         'params': params,
>>>     })
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> pnum_ = kwplot.PlotNums(nCols=3, nSubplots=len(results) + 2)
>>> kwplot.imshow(data, pnum=pnum_(), title='input image')
>>> kwplot.imshow(gauss_weights, pnum=pnum_(), title='Gaussian weights')
>>> pnum_()
>>> for result in results:
>>>     param_key = ub.urepr(result['params'], compact=1)
>>>     final = result['final']
>>>     canvas = kwarray.normalize(final)
>>>     canvas = kwimage.fill_nans_with_checkers(canvas)
>>>     kwplot.imshow(canvas, pnum=pnum_(), title=param_key)
  • shape (tuple) – dimensions of the large image that will be created from the smaller pixels or patches.

  • device (str | int | torch.device) – default is ‘numpy’, but if given as a torch device, then underlying operations will be done with torch tensors instead.

  • dtype (str) – the datatype to use in the underlying accumulator.

  • nan_policy (str) – if omit, check for nans and convert any to zero weight items in stitching.

add(indices, patch, weight=None)[source]

Incorporate a new (possibly overlapping) patch or pixel using a weighted sum.

  • indices (slice | tuple | None) – typically a Tuple[slice] of pixels or a single pixel, but this can be any numpy fancy index.

  • patch (ndarray) – data to patch into the bigger image.

  • weight (float | ndarray) – weight of this patch (default to 1.0)


Averages out contributions from overlapping adds using weighted average


out - the stitched image

Return type:



Averages out contributions from overlapping adds


indices (None | slice | tuple) – if None, finalize the entire block, otherwise only finalize a subregion.


final - the stitched image

Return type:


kwarray.util_slider._slices1d(margin, stop, step=None, start=0, keepbound=False, check=True)[source]

Helper to generates slices in a single dimension.

  • margin (int) – the length of the slice (window)

  • stop (int) – the length of the image dimension

  • step (int, default=None) – the length of each step / distance between slices

  • start (int, default=0) – starting point (in most cases set this to 0)

  • keepbound (bool) – if True, a non-uniform step will be taken to ensure that the right / bottom of the image is returned as a slice if needed. Such a slice will not obey the overlap constraints. (Defaults to False)

  • check (bool) – if True an error will be raised if the window does not cover the entire extent from start to stop, even if keepbound is True.


slice – slice in one dimension of size (margin)


>>> stop, margin, step = 2000, 360, 360
>>> keepbound = True
>>> strides = list(_slices1d(margin, stop, step, keepbound, check=False))
>>> assert all([(s.stop - s.start) == margin for s in strides])


>>> stop, margin, step = 200, 46, 7
>>> keepbound = True
>>> strides = list(_slices1d(margin, stop, step, keepbound=False, check=True))
>>> starts = np.array([s.start for s in strides])
>>> stops = np.array([s.stop for s in strides])
>>> widths = stops - starts
>>> assert np.all(np.diff(starts) == step)
>>> assert np.all(widths == margin)


>>> import pytest
>>> stop, margin, step = 200, 36, 7
>>> with pytest.raises(ValueError):
...     list(_slices1d(margin, stop, step))